Enduring Faith Built On A Strong Church

Saint Rose Catholic School wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Saint Rose Church, – and the church wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for a tiny group of Catholic families who built and gathered in the Church on Main Street in 1913.

Saint Rose Catholic School, located at 61 East Main Street in Girard, Ohio use to consist of two separate buildings: the “old building” and the “new building.” The first building was built and opened in 1913. The stone plaque surrounded by the building’s bricks states the year as 1913 A.D. The first graduating class of the 1913-1914 school year consisted of five boys and one girl.  This building has since been replaced by a new playground donated by our Home and School organization. Now the group photo adorns the main floor hall of the school building, starting with the 1913-1914 class photo up to the current graduating class.

Then the new building opened in 1956 and was situated right next door and connected by a short underground tunnel. The old building used to house the junior high classes of 7th and 8th graders until the late 1980s when attendance began to severely decline. Since then, all homerooms are located in the new building. Saint Rose Roman Catholic Church is on the same block as the school, located on the corner of East Main Street and State Street (Route 422). Students can be seen in their school uniforms taking morning walks with their teachers to church once a week and on holy days. The church rectory and priest house are located directly across the street from the old school building. The Ursuline sisters’ convent was located on the third floor of the new school building but is now a science lab and library. The building is newly painted and is brown and tan. An elevator is slated to be installed this summer.

Dates to Remember

  • May 10
    Mother's Day Tea
  • May 24
    School Picnic
  • May 30
    Kindergarten Graduation